The Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple is one of the few meditation-practicing Mahayana-Vajrayana Buddhism fusion temples in North America.
Take a TourFusion of Mahayana-Vajrayana Buddhism
Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple
A spiritual path to our forest temple
Awakening the inner wisdom and joy by meditation
Being filled with delight in the Dharma
Temple Characteristics
The fusion of Sutrayana and Tantrayana teachings is one of the few Buddhist meditation monasteries in North America that integrates both Sutrayana and Tibetan Vajrayana teachings.
Taken refuge under H.H. the 17th Karmapa, the Abbess Master Miao Jing and Master Miao Yin insisted on following the highest guide of H.H. the 17th Karmapa, who was triumphant to learn Buddhism and meditation. When the conditions were mature, they began to take responsibility. Canada’s important task of spreading Buddhism..
Adult Mindfulness Training
The temple offers adult mindfulness training. Through practicing Mindfulness Meditation, you will awaken the inner wisdom and peace. In Buddhist philosophy, the ultimate benefit of meditation is liberation of the mind from attachment. The liberated or “enlightened” practitioner no longer needlessly follows desires or clings to experiences, but instead maintains a calm mind and sense of inner harmony.
Take a TourYouth Meditation Training
Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple hopes to teach the youth to practice Buddha’s precious teachings in daily life. Moreover, it is conveyed to the hearts of young people in a relaxed and lively manner, and the Dharma is used to absorb the seeds of kindness of young people and children, so that the seeds of goodness can germinate, root and grow, and become a towering tree of goodness. We believe youth with the correct life moral and compassion will have a positive impact on society.
Take a TourOur ONLY official website,, is our only donation channel, and our ONLY official video channel is YouTube,, no other platform we authorize other than YouTube.
We do not fundraise through WeChat. Starting today, we no longer use WeChat to announce temple events. We do not assign any third party fundraiser to fundraise through any social media.
Blessing Ceremony Conducted by H.H. the 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje
Awakening the inner wisdom and joy by meditation
Being filled with delight in the Dharma
The Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple, set within a tranquil forest north of Toronto, is a registered temple in Canada which practices and emphasizes the importance of the three methods of attaining wisdom: listening, contemplation, and cultivation. The temple also practices loving-kindness, compassion, and Bodhicitta, core teachings of Buddha.
Teachings by H.H. the 17th Karmapa at Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple on June 8th, 2017
Awakening: An Interview with Ven. Miao Jing on the First International Buddhist Bhikkhuni Forum
Ven. Master Miao Jing established the North American Karma Kagyu Bhikkhuni Institute, and hosted the First International Buddhist Bhikkhuni Forum was held at the University of Toronto, Canada on 26–27 May, 2018 under the forum theme “Awakening”.
Temple Photo Gallery
Support Donation
A fixed donation of CAD 50 per month is supported for a period of more than 3 years. The temple will recite the Medicine Buddha Mantra and the Guan Yin Mantra to the family of the practitioners every month!
Thank you for your donation to support the growth of the Great Compassion Bodhi Temple! You are boundless with great virtue and kindness!